9 / 13 / 2023 - Kuku's Scary Mansion, Miraitowa's Spooky Mansion, Sparkling Creepy Hotel. Wow.

1 year ago

Wednesday Podcast

I want to emphasize that the intention behind creating this podcast was never to criticize or target anyone mentioned in the video, and I sincerely hope that you won't either. It's truly remarkable to witness something I've created gain such widespread recognition, drawing both younger and older individuals into the fold. While my tone may have sounded somewhat disrespectful or irritated at times, I want to clarify that my frustration stems from the lack of originality in the reports generated by the YayaLand Scary Mansion Mod Children.

Please understand that not everything in this video should be taken too seriously. I am by no means discouraging any of you from pursuing your creative endeavors. In fact, I am eagerly anticipating the final results and achievements of all three individuals involved in this project.

Subscribe to Haniax-pl: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGAyEaydHyvIOTdjXPXPgGA

⭐⭐⭐You are the best ⭐⭐⭐

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