Skinny Guys: Unbelievable Results When You Do THIS

1 year ago

In this video I`m going to tell you exactly what to do to build muscle as a skinny guy, including what exercises are best for skinny guys and exactly what to eat to put on healthy weight.

In a nutshell:

Stick around to the end I`ll also share with you my favorite pre- and post-workout foods to eat that will pack on the muscle.
Bulking is consuming more calories than what your body needs so when paired with the right workout program those additional calories are utilized for building muscle.

Think about this--if you remove exercise from the equation, the excess calories would then just become fats.
So there you have it, bulking and muscle building come hand in hand.
Trust me, I`ve tried that before; focusing mostly on the exercise part and then failing to gain muscle.

If your calorie consumption each day is equal to or less than the number of calories your body burns per day, then your body won`t have enough fuel -- calories are converted into fuel -- to pack on muscles.
However, if you`re at a caloric surplus, meaning your body has more calories than it`s burning, then you have leftover calories to be used to build and repair muscle tissues.
There`s a catch though--your body won`t store 100% of those excess calories as muscle.

With a smart program, however, you can just shed all those fats you`ve gained from bulking in a couple of months without losing much muscle.
This is a lot faster than if you tried to pack pounds of muscles but without allowing some fat gain along the way.
Needless to say, bulking means you`ll need to carry some fats on your body for a certain period.

You must be okay with this if you want to build muscle FAST.
Of course, you can still gain muscle while staying leaner.
However, this approach will take longer to build muscle.
Do a clean bulk instead.
My idea of bulking before was that I could just eat any food, and by any food I mean fast food and junk, and gain a lot of mass.
Doing so means you have the extra calories you need alongside vitamins and minerals as well as a stable supply of amino acids from protein for muscle building.

Amount of muscle mass you wish to gain 2.
Your desired muscle-to-fat gain ratio Now, figure out how many calories you can eat daily without gaining or losing.
You must also be doing the right kind of training, which leads us to my next point, which is: My Workout Routine For Muscle Gain Directions: 1.
After all, you`re engaging almost every muscle of your body all the while lifting huge amounts of weight.

Chin-Up - 4 sets of 5 reps The main goals of chin-ups are to increase strength and definition of your upper arms, specifically your biceps, posterior deltoids, and the teres major and latissimus dorsi muscles.
You only need a pullup bar, or any straight horizontal bar to pull your body up to chest level.

Compared to pull-ups, where only the grip variation differs, chin-ups are easier at clearing your chest all the way to the bar.
Dumbbell Floor Press - 4 sets of 8 reps Floor presses, in general, are beneficial for those who wish to build their triceps.

The dumbbell variation, aside from targeting the triceps, also effectively engages your chest and shoulders.
While you can`t hit your chest as hard as you would with the traditional variation, your triceps will absolutely be on fire with the dumbbell floor press.

Another good muscle-building exercise that uses dumbbells is the dumbbell row.

Reverse Lunge - 3 sets of 8 reps When performed with additional weights, and in this case, dumbbells, reverse lunges help in developing your lower body`s strength, power, and ability.


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