MR. NON-PC - The PC-PEEPZ Love The Lies...

1 year ago

The PC-Peepz (aka: "Politically Correct People") just loooooooove their fairy tales and fables. They love the official "narratives" that the "Helter/Skelter-Race-Baiting/White,Christian and Straight Hating Media" have purveyed on them for decades!'

They accept the falsehoods of the neverending wars, 9/11 and the CovidCult...while thinking that they're being given "the truth" but in essence it is nothing more than LIES and DECEPTION!!!

Think back to 2013 when the Smith-Mundt Act was revoked, thus legally allowing television programs in the fallen United States to go full bore and brainwash the masses into oblivion!!!

If the masses could reject the LIES and admit that "they got played" and separated themselves from the horrible "group think" and "people pleasing" mentalities then EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE FOR THE BETTER!

It's better to stand alone for the right reasons....than to be apart of a group of fools!

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