Christian Identity

1 year ago

Of the white supremacy doctrines introduced into American Christianity in the 20th Century, the Christian Identity doctrine is one of the most destructive. It has been used by hate groups as a basis for discrimination, white supremacists as a justification for murder, and extreme-right political activists to push racist agendas for decades. From the Ku Klux Klan to the Aryan Nations, many violent hate groups adopted the Christian Identity Doctrine and weaponized religion against people with black skin.

Christian Identity Doctrine is the believe that the Biblical Eve mated with the Serpent from the Garden of Eden to produce a cursed and evil bloodline. Wesley Swift popularized the doctrine, teaching white supremacists that the bloodline continued through time to produce “Mystery Babylon” from the Book of Revelation, and and end-of-days race war was imminent. According to Swift, that evil bloodline came through Noah’s son Ham, which was believed to be the father of the nations of Africa.

William Branham further helped spread the doctrine in the 1950s and 1960s. As leader of the Post WWII Healing Revival, Branham rebranded Swift’s Christian Identity Doctrine as “Serpent’s Seed”, and removed the word “black” and “jew” from the doctrine. Instead, he hinted at people with black skin by claiming — like Swift — the evil bloodline came through Ham, the son of Noah.

Now, just look at that spirit, how it rose up back there in Cain, how it come on down through Ham, on out through Nimrod, into Babylon; out of Babylon, come on down into the days of the coming of Jesus. Teachers, Bible students, and they failed to recognize the Lord Jesus Christ.
53-0325 - Israel And The Church #1
Rev. William Marrion Branham

Once Serpent’s Seed was established in the Latter Rain revivals, Branham introduced the racial component into Latter Rain theology. Branham called the racial component, “Hybreeding”, suggesting that interracial marriage between blacks and whites would produce a “hybrid”, and that hybrid could not enter the kingdom of heaven for several generations.

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Serpent’s Seed:

Wesley Swift:

Christian Identity:

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