GL Leia Organa Kit Reveal | MAJOR R2 Buffs & Team Heals! | Leia Makes Trash Rebels OP??

1 year ago

The full kit reveal for GL Leia is finally upon us and she sounds pretty awesome! They pitch her as a team to use on offense but I don’t know, she sounds pretty awesome as defense as well!

First off, she gives MAJOR boosts to R2, which, when you couple those boosts with number crunch, the team as a whole is benefitting.

Second, heals! Like Gahh-Dayumm!! She gets damage, the team heals. Some of her abilities, heals. One of her moves vs. a healer or support, team heals. She keeps her squad HEALTHY! And if they manage to almost die, everyone has a mini-Bounty Hunter’s Resolve type savior ability where they come back at half health and protection. Couple that with all the heals and that character is back to full health in no time!

Then there’s her ultimate. Obviously, as an ultimate, it’s supposed to be good, but she’s out here fracturing the ENTIRE enemy squad while giving her team mates all kinds of boosts. Then if her ultimate kills an enemy, fuhgettaboudit!

Last, she is designed to essentially work best with this team: Old Ben, Kanaan, Captain Drogan and R2. So for the most part, kind of crap/throw away characters that normally don’t/wouldn’t see the time of day. The logic with this is so that you aren’t breaking up CLS squads and other established rebel teams (Mon Mothma/Saw Gurerra).

She seems like a pretty awesome GL (especially for GA or TW/TB) and I’m pretty excited to already be half completed with her requirements. The sooner I can unlock her, the better!

Thanks for checking out this video and reading all of this (if you did!). If you’re interested, the twitter/X is @underoneroof7. THANKS!!

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