August 2023 Donation - People's Sovereign Assembly (Final Monthly Donation)

1 year ago

Thanks to everyone who supports Circle Of White Light Radio and in particular, one key person who helped to make the Pay It Forward appeal possible. I managed to donate over €17,000 Euros to worthy causes. With the economy the way it is, we all have to watch our spending, so this key donation is not available any more unfortunately.

Thanks also to the people who continue to support Circle Of White Light Radio with their donations.

Everyone thought Pay It Forward was a great idea, liked the principal and the way it was transparent. But saying, "it is a good idea" and supporting it, are two different things. 1 Dollar, 1 Euro, I pound a month was all that was required but this didn't really happen. If people did donate that small amount, than we could have helped so many more charities, groups, animal rescue centres etc. But for some reason, it never gained momentum and stayed the same with the usual people donating in the majority of cases.

So for the people that donated/supported Pay It Forward and still donate to Circle Of White Light Radio, they should be very proud at what their donations have achieved and the people they have helped.

The last donation is going to the People's Sovereign Assembly down in Dungarvin. They have setup a co-operative and have taken over a derelict building to be converted into a coffee shop and a place where people can trade goods/produce etc.

Well done to this community group.
Pay It Forward:

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