Akash Mudra

1 year ago

**Discover the Power of Akash Mudra

Akash Mudra, also known as the "Space Gesture, connects you with the expansive energy of the universe. By practicing this mudra, you can experience a profound sense of inner calm and openness.

**How to Perform Akash Mudra:**
1. Sit in a comfortable meditation posture.
2. Touch the tip of your thumb gently to the tip of your middle finger, while keeping the other fingers extended.
3. Rest your hands on your knees, palms facing up.

**Benefits of Akash Mudra:**
**Balances your hormones: Energy Flow is regulated and is in control. Vishuddhi Chakra (Throat Chakra) is activated with the practice of Aakash Mudra and hence good for bringing balance in the hormones
• **Enhanced Communication:** This mudra can improve your communication skills and help you express yourself more clearly.
* **Inner Peace:** It fosters a sense of inner tranquility and serenity, making it ideal for meditation and stress relief.
**Connection to the Divine:** Akash Mudra is
associated with the throat chakra, encouraging a deeper connection to your spiritual self.
* **Clarity of Mind:** It can clear mental clutter, allowing you to think more clearly and make decisions with greater ease.
Try incorporating Akash Mudra into your daily practice !!!

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