Underground DUMBS...the Cabal does Not want you to Know...Equipped with Hidden Technology...

1 year ago

What Are These Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) REALLY Used For?!

It is said that there are 1,400 DUMBS worldwide.
Anywhere from 131 to 188 of them in the US and new ones being built every year.
Let’s hope not anymore!!
Each of these DUMBs cost anywhere from 17 – 26 BILLION dollars to build which is funded by drug and human trafficking money and probably some of our tax paying dollars.
Allegedly, each Base can employ 1,800 to 10,000 people.
What kind of work could they be doing?
I can only imagine!!
Look at the Denver International Airport and the masonic plaque inscribed with, ‘New World Airport Commission’.
If you have been to DIA, you know the trains underground that take you from terminal to baggage claim.. However, I was not aware that the structure under the airport consists of 5
buildings with 2 of the primary buildings having 70 floors!
And it was meant to be the headquarters – like US Capital Headquarters – for the New World Order after their whole depopulation plan worked.
WHAT?! Does this not bother anybody?!
There are even facilities for large concentration camps!


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