Women’s Ministry Done Properly | Patriarchy Vs. Complementarianism

1 year ago

In this episode of Theology Applied, Rachel Jankovic joins the show to describe, in very practical terms, what Women’s Ministry looks like in Moscow, Idaho (Christ’s Church/Wilsons).

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Register for our Fall 2023 Conference, "The Household And The War For The Cosmos." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/907281

Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231

Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at:

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*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/

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