Dr Tom Cowan: What is a Dis'Ease' and have any 'Virus' Ever been 'Isolated'! [13.09.2023]

1 year ago

In today's webinar, Dr. Cowan discusses the following:

- We launched a new curriculum course, 6 Lifestyle Factors for Fertility with Dr. Veronica Tilden today. To learn more about this course, click here: https://newbiologycurriculum.com/courses-fertility

- A NY Times article titled " DNA Evidence can be fabricated, scientists show. The article can be found here: https://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/18/science/18dna.html

- Discusses antibodies (Link to be placed here shortly)

- Discusses a study on the nuclear hoax (Link to be placed here shortly)

- A response to Dr. Richard Fleming; be sure to watch Dr. Sam Bailey's latest video, which can be found here:

- We held a mini q&a session; topics included:

1. Can Dr. Cowan talk about natural home remedies for external hemorrhoids?

2. This question has to do with the engineered mosquito transmission of mRNA"vaccines", now being touted over the mainstream media:
Do you think this is 1) possible? 2) actually being done? and 3) if being done, do you think there is a way of people protecting from this (other than mosquito repellent)?

3. Having been made aware of your fondness for watermelon (presumably homegrown?), I was wondering if you had any comments on this kind of news story about "exploding" watermelons--especially because of the background understanding that some folks apparently inject their watermelons with undeclared substances prior to mass distribution:

Also, if you could, would you give us your take on the whole Remdesivir saga?

4. If the blood returning to the heart through the veins is the nutrient/oxygen depleted and waste carrying blood, wouldn't routine blood tests/markers be inaccurate? Are you aware of any studies that control for this by drawing blood from arteries or capillaries? Does the location make a significant difference?

5. What are the recommended protocols to attempt to fix arthrosis?

6. As I understood from your writings and works that the DNA is not the center of everything as we have been taught. Yet, how would we explain the chromosomal damage due to exposure to uranium and others through bombs or nuclear bombs?

7. I'm curious about your take on food and fasting. I remember that you've spoken to eat 3 times a day, a similar amount each time, and at regular intervals. Why? Could you please talk about this?

8. Could you please speak about hermetic stress in new biology (like sauna, exercise, fasting, light therapy, etc.)? What's your take on hermetic stress?

9. What should you do if you are interested in the Nourishing Traditions diet but have trouble digesting fats? Also, does food combining work?

10. Hi Tom, Is there any merit in lowering the eye pressure if it is above what the medical system currently considers "normal" i.e. >20? (I'm at 35 ) And if so, how best to approach this in a natural, non-pharmaceutical way? (Please be specific with herbs/tinctures. etc. )

11. Could Tom please talk about Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE).

Dr. Tom Cowan
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