ongoing effort for Jesus expelling ag's demons *ag standup on the deliciously nothing podcast

1 year ago

that's my jew, ronnit
they laugh n i haven't done anything yet
sometimes i am tempted to just take a dump on stage
no material cos i typically don't do what i plan on doing
people dunno how to wait for anything
millennials n zoomers are equally dependent on their phone for identity purposes
true value prophet, Christians don't like to hear that their religion is specifically centered around mental illness
i'm always reacting to myself
i really really hate podcasts YOU ARE SO LUCKY TO HAVE ME
i hate anything that everyone does
i don't have to try to be different, i just am
suicide n rampant alcoholism are running themes for comedians
if i wasn't waking up in urine, i'd be drunk right now
anything worth doing is worth doing in excess
i don't believe that anyone is more conspiratorial than me
i was very angry w/ my birth mother for a long time but i was ignorant
everyone wishes they were me
finding Jesus doin comedy is the exact opposite of what everyone else seems to be doing
i would forget the name which would make me a bad pillow mommy
everything is my friend, also a schizo
shrinks do just that to their patients' brains
i hardly leave the house except to do this shit
i love being around drunks, it's way healthier than continuing to be "triggered"
our health care system is crap cos it's all about $, no ethics whatsoever
i love these guys a lot, i appreciate what they are doing for nashville comics

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