
1 year ago

Almond seed selection 00:10
Almond soaking 00:25
Seed preparation 00:50
Almond Growing medium 01:50
Sowing guide 02:20
Here is a complete guide of growing almond plant at home
Choose healthy unbroken almond nuts. The best time for almond growing an almond tree is winter, the winter season provides favorable conditions for almond germination.
Soak healthy almond nuts in normal water for 24-36 hrs
Remove tip of the soaked almond nut to enhance almond seed germination.
Use moist river sand for growing almond seeds,do not add to much water in the sand otherwise, the almond seed may spoil due to excess water.
Bury half portion of the almond seed into moist sand.
Cover the pot with any transparent polythene, to keep moistening the growing medium for longer.
Covering the growing medium with transparent polythene provides a greenhouse effect for the seed which encourages fast seed germination.
It takes about 7-10 days to sprout almonds.

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