JUAN O SAVIN- Artificial Intelligence, Musk, DARPA Pt ONE- Alpha Warrior 9 9 2023

1 year ago

This is PART ONE to the show premiered 9 13 2023 but recorded on 9 9 2023 so Alpha does a fantastic Job and uses his knowledge base to do VALUE ADDED. The way Juan described the AI was a first. Google is the MAJOR PLAYER in Search Engine MANIPULATION. Key words Algorithms and Modifications even to the MUSK platform now called X. It is insane that 25 MILLION voters are effected BY THE GOOGLE MANIPULATED PLATFORM KEY WORD that you can not find what you are looking for!!!! Even Duck Duck Go is at the WILL of the 800 LB GORILLA called ALPHABET INC. That includes GOOGLE YOUTUBE and 23 and ME! YOU must know that this is why we can not get a handle on the VOTE FRAUD, THE CO-OPing of our DEVICES and the RUNNING OF OUR MINDS 6 GW is already in play where YOU are the one FOREIGN to the SYSTEM. 5 GW that was written btw with Boone Cutler , SGT, US Army (Retired) that did the RESEARCH. The Citizen's Guide to FIFTH GENERATION WARFARE is a WORKBOOK to give you the training YOU MUST LEARN so that more people get INFORMED. IF not the Artificial Intelligence WILL CONTROL YOU! The Azov Army and their Nazi background is explained here as well. The unit has drawn controversy over its early and allegedly continuing association with far-right groups and neo-Nazi ideology, its use of controversial symbols linked to Nazism, and early allegations that members of the unit participated in human rights violations.

Part two get into the HISTORY of the events in the Agencies and the CIA that you have already heard. The Answer to the Question at the end of part one comes much later.

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