There's Something STRANGE About Antarctica -- OWEN BENJAMIN

1 year ago

What's going on with Antarctica?? Why can't commercial aircraft fly OVER it? WHY can't we go EXPLORE IT? Something strange is going on, folks.

"Listen, the first "veil" that you get rid of when you stop just being a LYING PSYCHOPATH is IMMUNITY TO SOCIAL RIDICULE."
~ Owen Benjamin

If you are going to actually DO the research, you can't be afraid of or be shamed by people who don't understand the process. LET them make fun of you. Let them run their mouths like ignorant children. Ignore it all. One of the BEST sayings concerning personal attacks is this: "Ad Hominem (personal) attacks are JUVENILE and INEFFECTIVE. Try again."

The INFORMATION is what is important, NOT the SOURCE of that information.

The blind masses are SO used to shooting each other down and FORCING each other to SHUT UP by attacking one another PERSONALLY, that they can't FATHOM how anyone could ignore insults and defamation. Instead of taking part in calm, logical ADULT conversations, they immediately look for any way to disparage, slander or verbally ABUSE those that don't agree with them.

When you understand that the majority of adults have been socially conditioned to BE Lying Psychopaths and Narcissistic Abusers, it makes it easier to leave their ranks forever. You see how childish and mean they are. You actually begin to feel SORRY for them. It's an epidemic whose cure is RESEARCH.

Every single one of us has been LIED to our entire life. Do the research and find out just HOW MUCH and how often you've been lied to. Break your conditioning. If you want to learn, be brave. Become immune to social ridicule. Leave childish attitudes in the dust and start becoming a logically-thinking ADULT.

Question and PROVE everything you think you know. Look into things you know NOTHING about. Research it all. Examine the DETAILS, not just the general concepts. The devil's in those details. Once you figure out how you've been lied to and about what, THEN search for the TRUTH of each matter. Weigh every option, especially the ones you DON'T want to consider. This trains your mind to ENTERTAIN ideas without necessarily ALIGNING with them right off the bat. It develops patience. It lets you GROW your attention span and helps you see every topic from every imaginable angle, so you can make an INFORMED decision - not one based in emotion or founded in opinions coming from the proPAGANda spewing from your TV.

Learn to think for yourself. Stop being told WHAT to think and instead learn HOW to think. It's SO worth it. It'll change your outlook, entirely.

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