Ed Dowd: “I don’t want to scare people, but it's a glacial Mad Max scenario.”

1 year ago

(Jan 7, 2023) Clip from Wayne Allyn Root's interview with Edward Dowd the former Portfolio Manager at Blackrock.

Edward Dowd: "I don’t want to scare people, but it’s a glacial Mad Max scenario. Because, if my numbers are correct, we just took out about two and a half million people out of the workforce through deaths and disabilities and I’m probably on the low side. The employed population of this country is 100 million. So, these numbers are starting to add up and they’re causing the slowdown in goods and services, help wanted signs everywhere, supply chain breaks… This is the slow methodical breakdown of civil society."

Full interview:  https://rumble.com/v248896-americas-top-10-interview-with-edward-dowd-segment-3-1723.html

I’m currently duplicating my ‘Prevent Global Genocide’ channel on Brighteon to Rumble. For more recent content please visit: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/nuremberg

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