Ex-bOyFrIeNd tRiEs tO EnD It wItHoUt rEaLiZiNg tHe mIsTaKe hE'S MaKiNg | tHe tOuRiSt mOvIe rEcAp

1 year ago

Ex-bOyFrIeNd tRiEs tO EnD It wItHoUt rEaLiZiNg tHe mIs
Ex-boyfriend Tries To End It Without Realizing The Mistake He's Making

Note: We make videos to encourage people to watch these hidden gems of entertainment. The goal of this channel is to describe the movies from our point of view. We incorporated the majority of video excerpts from the movie into the explanation for clarity. The video clips used in this explanation are entirely the property of the film's copyright holders

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