Dr. David Hanscom- Taking Your Life Back & Moving On - Episode 121

6 years ago

In this episode prominent spine surgeon Dr. David Hanscom MD speaks about how to take back your life and move on! We know from his past episodes of how anger, anxiety & fear can trap us and cause us to get overly focused on the issue and not a solution. This episode brings us the HOW TO solution. Dr. Hanscom’s work is helpful for anyone not just those in a pain syndrome. It is very helpful in improving relationships in general, or for those dealing with lots of anxiety or for anyone having to combat difficult health symptoms including pain. Truthfully all of us can take his advice & improve our lives.

Once we understand how to reprogram our brain we lessen the old neurological pathways that had us trapped and we build new ones. This is called neuroplasticity and it is now proven the brain can rewire so this episode will give you tips on just how to do that! Health is freedom and having an awareness is the first step!

As you know by now that Dr. Hanscom is no stranger to the idea of pain because he too had a horrible pain syndrome with no answers that almost made him take his own life. He saw first hand how living with pain affected his family and marriage. He speaks not only from his own experience but now has hundreds and even thousands of patients healing their pain by following his work. It is truly amazing!

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Books recommended by Dr. Hanscom

Forgive for Good by Fred Luskin


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