Vidal Speaks: Glioblastoma Brain Tumors- Laying all the facts on the table regarding treatments!

6 years ago

In this video Vidal Speaks about brain tumors especially glioma tumors which are the most deadly. This is because her friend was just diagnosed with one and she is part of the team to help put all information out in the open so he can choose his treatment path. Vidal discusses how the medical approach is the same for 30 years and how limited they are but also how they avoid speaking about the details of the surgery and recovery which could impact a person's choice drastically. Lastly she discuses many natural remedies and the best diet to eat to have any chance to heal on the deepest level from a fast growing and deadly tumor.

Vidal Speaks YouTube videos are about applying the art of detoxification & lifestyle medicine to your daily life to regenerate & regain or improve your health. Learn how to put your health in your own hands by using nature’s powerful God given medicines as it was intended. Vidal speaks about using natural remedies such as homeopathy, herbs or other natural healing modalities, along with a plant-based vegan, mostly raw, mostly fruit diet in order to detox & regenerate to find total wellness. Many lies are being fed to us that have resulted in a world filled with sickness. Learn truths that shock you, hear stories to inspire you & get ready to take action to turn your health around. You can choose to get on the wellness path once & for all! Vidal, a certified homeopath, iridologist & detox regeneration practitioner will help you learn how to heal yourself no matter what your so called diagnosis is... Remember you are not sick you are toxic!

Knowledge is Power - Health is Freedom!  Be Healthy, Be Free, LIVE LIFE!
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