EP 46 - Frank Ferrante - The Power of Taking Personal Responsibility For Your Own Healing

8 years ago

TODAY’S GUEST: I was born on August 26, 1951. According to my astrological chart, “peace and harmony are my battle cry.” (Talk about a perfect set-up for contradictions.) Apparently I am also “flashy but not gaudy and prefer to dress elegantly.” Obviously, my sartorial preferences reflect my greater spiritual depth. I have been, in no particular order, a NY City cab driver, scrap metal hauler, dishwasher, census taker, mail boy, ditch digger, bouncer, illegal narcotics distributor, general contractor, actor, and radio announcer, and carpenter. I am also an avid reader, seeker of God, weight gain/weight loss aficionado, ex-pot smoker, alcoholic, junkie, speed freak, raw foodist, vegan, lover, hater, father, husband, grad student, good guy, bad guy, social activist.

I received my high school diploma when I was 51. I would have done it when I was younger but I was busy. Early in this century I was admitted to UCSB where I earned a BA in History. I then entered an MA program in the Humanities Department at San Francisco State University to sate a lifelong fascination in the subject. I’m particularly intrigued by the migration of cultures, peoples, and souls.

As the subject of the documentary MAY I BE FRANK?, I have become a spokesperson for personal transformation and weight loss. My experience dealing with these struggles from a holistic perspective compels me to speak about the power of transformation that rests in all of us. I am not an expert nor do I have the answer. I have witnessed the indisputable fact that we are all connected. What we do can and will make a difference.

I have learned that the three most important things a man can say are: I don’t know.Would you please help me? I love you."

HUNGRY FOR CHANGE exposes shocking secrets the diet, weight loss and food industry don't want you to know about; deceptive strategies designed to keep you coming back for more. Find out what's keeping you from having the body and health you deserve and how to escape the diet trap forever.

In spite of the anxiety and uncertainty, I am so grateful to be alive and to participate in this adventure. I get to do my dream job. I travel and emotionally connect with people. The Beatles were right, ‘ ‘and in the end. The love you take is equal to the love you make.’ I plan to make as much as possible.

Connect With Today’s guest: FRANK FERRANTE Website: http://www.mayispeakfrankly.com AND www.HungryForChange.tv

Frank’s Movie: http://amzn.to/2gp1HHR (affiliate link)

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IN THIS EPISODE: We all know that taking personal responsibility for your own issues and moving toward healing from the pain can be a hard thing to do. None of us come by that kind of courage naturally because the pain and fear hold us back. Normal is often more comfortable than the difficult path toward healing. But my guest today has a story that is a wonderful example of what can happen when you do take personal responsibility for your healing and walk the path to get there. I want you to meet Frank Ferrante, an inspirational author and speaker, on this episode of Vidal Speaks.

Frank grew up in a very hostile, unhealthy environment. Those are his own words. It was the difficulty of those formative years that drove him to seek solace in all kinds of things that were not good for him, from hard drugs to overeating. But Frank has come to see that though he’s still got significant pain from things done wrong to him, there’s nobody responsible for changing the effect of those things except himself. I hope you’ll listen to Frank Ferrante’s story. It’s not only inspiring, it’s powerfully motivating for anyone who’s struggling with addiction or obesity.

You wouldn’t expect a guy who was in Frank Ferrante’s shoes to be the one to step beyond the pain and suffering he’d experienced to become an example for others to follow. His own wounds went so deep and his obesity and poor self-image were such debilitating problems, he was the last guy you’d consider for that kind of role. But an encounter with some young people who dared to love and encourage him made all the difference. When you hear the impact these simple gestures of friendship made in Frank’s life you’ll be able to see that your words and love toward others could make a powerful difference as well.

It’s never easy to deal with the pain of abuse and addiction. But there comes a point in every life where the pain becomes unacceptable and you have to do something about it. Frank Ferrante’s story of overcoming those kinds of wounds is powerful because he wasn’t even in a place to want that kind of healing when someone challenged him, through love, to take personal responsibility for himself and make positive changes. I hope you take the time to get to know Frank as he shares his story on this episode. He’s got lots of heart and compassion and could be the one person who can speak to...

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