EP 37 Part 2 - Is There A Cure For Cancer? Yes! - A Conversation With Valerie Warwick, RN

6 years ago

TODAY’S GUEST: A cure for cancer is not a pipe dream. It’s a reality, and it comes in the form of many different alternative treatments.

As a young adult caring for both of her ill parents, Valerie Warwick realized her natural ability as a nurse, and her interest in the healing arts grew. Valerie graduated with her nursing degree in 1997. Her nursing career led her into Oncology where she spent 17 years in direct patient care, in both the inpatient and outpatient setting.  During that time Valerie obtained her certification as an Oncology Nurse Specialist and developed a strong clinical background in all aspects of patient care.

In 2009 Valerie's focus began to change after experiencing her own health challenges. Using whole food nutrition, and the principles and practices of Functional and Orthomolecular Medicine, Valerie realized a profound change in her own health as she incorporated these practices into her own life.  She realized that allopathic medicine perpetuated a shift in metabolism, and in the way the body was able to utilize the basics of water, oxygen and nutrients.  It was a profound awakening and it completely changed her paradigm. She realized that treating illness by suppressing symptoms and the body's immune system never brought healing to anyone. Valerie realized that toxins and micronutrient deficiencies are the most widespread and dangerous health condition of the 21st century and that true healing can only come by removing the burden of toxins, followed by restoring the immune system through nutrients, real - nutrient dense food, water, oxygen, sunlight, movement, spiritual awareness and the joy of healthy loving relationships.

Valerie's desire is to help others rediscover and restore their health and vitality by supporting the body's own ability to heal itself given the right environment. Valerie’s passion and life's purpose is to help in this regard.

Connect With Today’s Guest: VALERIE WARWICK, RN Website: www.MyWellnessTutor.com   

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IN THIS EPISODE: We often hear people talk about how great it would be if a cure for cancer could be discovered. Some of the saddest news in all the world is that many cures for cancer already exist but the established medical community won’t accept them or tell the public about them. Why? It isn’t to their benefit to do so.

My guest today is Valerie Warwick, a retired oncology nurse who left her chosen profession because she saw how traditional cancer treatments like chemotherapy not only didn’t work, they made the patients treated by them worse. She left oncology to start her own health coaching practice aimed specifically at cancer patients.

One of the most important things Valerie is able to give her clients is the knowledge that there are ways to test their blood to discover not only if they have cancer (long before other detection methods will discover it), but also what kind of cancer it is, where it is in their body, and how to treat it with alternative methods. I bet you didn’t know tests with that kind of specificity even existed. But they do. Find out how Valerie uses them to save people’s lives, in this conversation.

Once you  know that you have cancer, what can you do not just to stave it off, but to cure it? Valerie Warwick talks with me on this episode of the podcast about the many varieties of treatment and how they have been shown to have tremendous results in curing cancer. If you want to get outside the box of the cancer treatment industry to find something that can really help you, this episode is the perfect place to start.

In this episode, we discuss a number of alternative treatments for curing cancer. That includes detox, diet changes, ozone and oxygen treatments, chelation, intravenous treatments including Vitamin C, and a handful of machines that treat cancer in specific ways. You will hear so many alternatives to the typical chemo-poisoning routine that you’ll finish this episode with the hope that your cancer can actually be cured. And you’ll have a great, trusted resource in Valerie to turn to if you need help finding the right treatment for you or your loved one.

Outline Of This Great Episode [1:59] Deborah’s introduction to this episode about alternative treatments for cancer. [4:46] How western medicine treats cancer VS alternative methods. [7:26] How testing can determine exactly what YOUR body needs. [13:00] The role of heavy metal testing in detection of cancer. [15:35] Facing the fear of finding out about your cancer risk. [18:45] Looking at alternative treatments for a positive diagnosis. [23:51] Why meat and dairy are not the best diet options. [29:48] The use of ozone and oxygen to treat cancer. [36:00] Vitamin C therapy as a cancer treatment. [40:37] Various machines used for alternative treatments. [49:30] The experience Valerie had switching to her own...

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