EP 66 - Robby Barbaro - The Truth About Diabetes and a Plant-Based Diet - Episode 66

7 years ago


TODAY’S GUEST: Robby Barbaro Robby is the co-founder of Mastering Diabetes and the founder of Mindful Diabetic. He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 12, and embraced a low-fat, plant-based, whole-food diet 4 years after his dc Robby says that to this day, adopting this lifestyle has been one of the best decisions of his life, and since that fateful day his hemoglobin A1c value has never exceeded 6.4%. He graduated from the University of Florida in 2011 and worked at Forks Over Knives for 6 years before turning his attention to coaching people with diabetes full time.

He enjoys exercising every day, spending time with friends and sharing his lifestyle on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Helping people with diabetes has gone from a desire to a true passion, and he loves inspiring others to achieve excellent health.

Connect With Today’s guest: Robby Barbaro Website

Instagram @diabeticrobby

Snapchat: @mindfuldiabetic

YouTube Channel

IN THIS EPISODE: If you or someone you love is facing Diabetes or pre-Diabetes, you will want to listen to today’s show and find out the truth about Diabetes and how you can heal and help Diabetes with a plant-based diet. My guest today, Robby Barbaro, has had Diabetes since age 12. In this episode, he talks about the differences between Type I and Type II Diabetes, the myths about Diabetes and how doctors guide us wrongly when it comes to Diabetes and our diet. Listen in and learn the truth about Diabetes. You’ll want to listen to this episode more than once, and take plenty of notes!

Do both Type I and Type II diabetics have insulin resistance? What is insulin, and why do we need it? Is it possible to reverse insulin resistance? Do diabetics have to be on insulin for life? These questions and more are answered today in my conversation with Robby Barbaro. He will explain how insulin works in our bodies and what happens if we have too much or too little, as well as talking about how foods relate to insulin production. Listen to this episode to learn the truth about insulin and insulin resistance.

There is a lot of confusing information out there about Diabetes. The Diabetes Association takes money from the meat and dairy industry and drug companies, so their information cannot be trusted. You need to find out the truth about Diabetes for yourself. In this episode. Robby Barbaro and I talk about facts about Diabetes that you may or may not know. From the truth about eating fruit to ideas for dealing with diabetic neuropathy, this episode is loaded with excellent, research-backed information that can help you or someone you love as you face Diabetes or pre-Diabetes.

We have been told for such a long time that Diabetes is caused by excess sugar. In this episode, Robby Barbaro explains the relationship of fat and sugar, and tells the truth about Diabetes - that fat, not sugar, is the culprit. Listen in and learn about the role that fat plays in Diabetes, especially animal fats from meat and dairy products. If you want to get control of your Diabetes or prevent Diabetes for yourself and the ones you love, I hope you’ll listen in and take lots of notes.

The new “thing” out there in the world of diet is that fruit is bad for you, that the sugars in fruit are the same as all the other sugars and that they should be avoided, especially by diabetics. In this episode, Robby Barbaro, who has been diabetic since age 12, talks about how much fruit he eats and the science behind why fruit is good for you and is not the enemy. Listen to the evidence and find good reasons to eat fruit again!

Outline Of This Great Episode [2:00] Intro and dedication of this episode on diabetes [6:33] Robby’s story of dealing with Diabetes. [13:30] What does insulin do and why do we need it? [18:21] The connection between cow’s milk and Diabetes. [19:53] Can diet make a difference in helping diabetes? [20:47] How to get lab tests that show how much insulin your body is producing. [22:00] How to reverse insulin resistance. [25:32] Vidal’s brother’s story of calcium build-up and blood sugar problems. [28:26] Are Paleo eaters at risk for diabetes? [32:25] Where should my lab numbers be? [37:01] Are Type 1 Diabetics also insulin resistant? [39:08] Robby Barbaro’s 4-day retreat. [39:51] How many people in the US have Diabetes? [42:44] How fat causes diabetes. [47:26] Break and product information [49:14] How research shows the benefits of a plant-based diet over the long run. [51:22] Fruit is NOT the enemy. [1:3:46] When it feels like too much work. [6:40] Comparison of plant-based and meat diets for diabetics. [1:07:40] What about nuts, grains, seeds, and soy? {1:12:34] Green, Yellow, and Red-Light Foods. [1:13:56] Story about Patricia Walters, a diabetic who Robby Barbaro coached. [1:16:24] Is diabetic neuropathy a common syndrome? Can it be reversed? 1:20:34] Three tips to give you some hope. [1:23:03] The Diabetes...

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