Where I Love is Becoming Where I Left | Lily Tang Williams

1 year ago

With Liberty & Justice For All, Session 4

I am Lily Tang Williams. I was born in China to illiterate working-class parents, suffered under Mao’s Cultural Revolution and Communist dictatorship. I wanted freedom. America was my promised land.

I was 23 when I fled tyranny. Arriving with $100 in my pocket and knowing very little English. I worked hard to make my American dream come true. Today I am happily married with three children, have my own businesses, and live in the Granite State where the spirit of liberty resides. My concern is that my children and grandchildren will not have the same opportunities I had.

I see the shadow of authoritarianism cast by politicians who have locked us down, closed small businesses, inflated our money, and mortgaged our children’s future. I saw it all before in China: the division of society, silencing dissident voices, taking away parental rights, the indoctrination of youth, endless government mandates and control. People are losing their rights to make a living and make their own life choices. Woke culture and tactics are similar to Mao's cultural revolution I survived. Weaponizing of government agencies to target political opponents remind me of Communist China.

Are you worried yet? I am.

I fear that the country I love is becoming like the country I left. That is why I am running for Congress. It is time for the majority to speak up and defend our country from the radical left and keep the American Dream alive for our children.

-Lily Tang Williams


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