13Sep23 PATRIOT Act: Aimed at Parents, Dissidents, Patriots 20 YEARS Ago

1 year ago

Owen Shroyer & the DOJ's Insurrection Against Constitution The DOJ weaponized a trivial misdemeanor with "sentencing enhancement" based on protected speech, protected even if false. It raises questions about whether anyone who was present on J6 will have "sentencing enhancement" over any crime, real or imagined

Prison sentences for peaceful J6 attendees, mother and son. The son (32) given 4 yrs, 9 months and his mother (59) two and a half years in prison

Biden applauds Saudi Arabia on 9/11 and conservative media is furious — don't they understand 9/11 was a PARTNERSHIP with Saudis, an INSIDE JOB for an INSIDE WAR?

Questions about DEW — Maui, 9/11, Panama

The Founding Bastards illegitimate pretenders to a throne that the Founding Fathers tried to prevent and their anti-Constitution, the PATRIOT ACT as 9/11 and the chaos from inside continues to expand incrementally

RFKj on new levels of election rigging — beginning with super delegates, ballot access, exclusion from debates, and not counting his votes if he dares to campaign in Iowa!

WATCH: even CNN is calling Biden a liar and cataloging his lies. But Biden did tell us the truth about the FOURTH TURNING and the New World Order

NH governor criticizes Trump for keeping Fauci as the "Voice of America". Says Fauci was in charge of the calls governors had with Trump

New archaeological evidence about the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah — like a nuclear bomb with the sand turned to glass and parts of skeletons vaporized

Finnish politician facing a second persecution for a comment about the Bible, compares the situation to medieval times

How Argentina lost its financial sovereignty when the central bank overplayed its hand. Sound familiar?

INTERVIEW NM Gov's Tyranny May Blowback for Liberty in Other Areas As Well Certainly Gov Grisham has already lost big even with gun control Democrats. But the coming court challenges may strengthen essential liberty in other areas in addition to 2nd Amend. Guy Relford — lawyer, author, firearms instructor and host of "The Gun Guy on WIBC.com, joins to talk about the coming blowback against medical martial law

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