Our response to disparaging remarks made on the Matt Murphy Show 99.7 WTN

1 year ago

It is a regular occurrence to be cast in a negative light on the Matt Murphy Show here on "conservative" talk radio in Nashville. And lately, the rhetoric has been turned up due to a relationship with the TN Faith and Freedom Coalition, an organization based in Williamson County that by all accounts is the new cheerleading squad for Senator Jack Johnson.

On the regular, 99.7 WTN celebrates the "conservative" exploits of some of our favorites like Gov Bill Lee, House Speaker Cameron Sexton, and Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson. And in kind, casting aspersions on Tennessee Stands painting us as a fringe conspiracy group. Guests of the show have gone so far as to call our organization a cult. And yesterday on the show, we were painted as Marxists by Aaron Gulbransen of the TN Faith and Freedom Coalition.

The accusations levied are at best childish and shameful. At worst, they are defamatory and libel.

I usually don't respond to public attacks because it is not worth the effort and a distraction from the work we do every day. But I am going to break out of that norm and issue this statement.

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