Reacting to Mr. InBetween Season 1 Episodes 1 and 2

1 year ago

Hey guys, welcome back to my channel! Today, I'm going to be sharing my first impressions and reaction to Mr. InBetween Season 1 Episodes 1 and 2. Wow, right from the start, this show throws us into the intense world of Ray Shoesmith, a highly skilled hitman who also has to juggle his personal life. What really stands out is the incredible performance by Scott Ryan, who not only stars as Ray but also created and wrote the series. His portrayal of this complex and morally ambiguous character is nothing short of brilliant. You can't help but be drawn to his enigmatic presence on screen.

00:00 - Reaction Preview
00:13 - Intro
02:24 - Episode 1 Reaction
13:20 - Episode 2 Reaction
24:53 - Outro

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Episode 1 is titled 'The Pee Pee Guy' and scores 7.6/10 on IMDB. Episode 2 is titled 'Unicorns Know Everybody's Name'.

These episodes were written by Scott Ryan. These episodes were directed by Nash Edgerton. These episodes star Scott Ryan, Damon Herriman and Brooke Satchwell amongst others. Please visit for the full cast list. This series was produced by FX, Screen Australia, Create NSW, BlueTongue Films and Jungle Entertainment Production. The copyright to the full original content is held by Disney/FX.

The copyright for this video is held by Jay's Retro Reacts.

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