"I Believe", a great family movie, Faith and Good Works, Biblical Truth. John:14 10-17

1 year ago

Rowan Smyth plays Brian Webber they are precocious young boy who wants to learn about Jesus. Brian's parents are atheists who forbid him to learn about Jesus. Brian sees the statue of Jesus and it is taken by how loving Jesus eyes are and by the Bible verse from chapter 14 of John's gospel where Jesus says whatever you ask in my name, I will give to you. Brian believes this and he see a man who lost his leg in war it says a prayer for him, and the man's leg grows back miraculously. This sets Brian off on a series of adventures, where many people are trying to find out who he is while he is trying to hide his identity because he does not want to be in trouble with his parents. Brian demonstrates the correct prayer process. He thinks about his prayer through, believes in his heart that it will be answered (just like the Bible verse says), asks Jesus for the prayer, and then thanks Jesus for answering his prayer. The miraculous healings occur. (This is the way we should all ask when we ask our Lord for help.)

My friend Brad Wosny supports the worldwide effort to save the children. I totally agree with Brad that we must do more. To learn more about this please visit http://www.OneBILLIONMarch.com.

To help the victims of Maui, please go directly to https://malamalahaina.org and avoid the well know organizations who often take donations and decide to reprioritize the donated monies.

We are body, mind, and soul. All three work together and are gifts from God. Please be careful what you watch and listen to, so you protect your mind. Pray to keep an effective communication link with Jesus to protect your soul. Eat quality food and clean water along with exercise a great supplement to protect your body.
I am a prostate cancer survivor. I am in remission. I was treated for stage 2 cancer with the cyber-knife at Georgetown University Hospital. After the treatment I became quite weak and could not workout for 6 months. Then I began lifting 240 lbs. for my bench press with my Welder 1500X (identical to Bo-Flex). For the next year and a half lifting 3 times a week I plateaued at one set with 270 lbs. I started taking the root brands trinity pack and give me back my youth in mid-February 2023. Since then I have grown stronger and now do three sets of 10-12 reps of the bench press with 320 libs.
To learn more about these amazing products please go to https://https://therootbrands.com/GodWins

To help the victims of Maui stay away from the Red Cross as COL Chuck Sellers tells us and go to
https://malamalahaina.org to get money to the victims and not the deep state.

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