Nyet Zero: putting the 'no' into Energy and The Voice.

1 year ago

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Today on The Aussie Wire News:
1. Topher takes stock of the latest Voice polls and urges great care in how we celebrate if the 'no' vote wins. The Voice campaign has been polarising and how we respond, win or lose, is going to be important going forward.

2. A very enthusiastic Senator Ralph Babet joins us to discuss Net Zero and the opportunity for the likes of the UAP thanks to the civil war that is erupting within the Nationals Party, with the party split by their support for Net Zero.

Follow Ralph Babet here;

3. Matthew Lawson has finished his epic walk from Melbourne to Brisbane in support of Jab Injuries Australia! For those who would like to welcome him home to Melbourne on Wednesday 13th, the details are in this Facebook Post: https://www.facebook.com/groups/670421864421396/posts/695836771879905/

Follow Matt Lawson here;
You can follow his progress via his FB page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/670421864421396/?ref=share&fs=e&s=cl
Follow Jab Injuries Australia on Instagram: https://instagram.com/jab_injuries_australia?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
Support Jab Injuries Australia here: https://au.jabinjuriesglobal.com/donations/

4. Lyle Shelton joins us with some bad news... just weeks after his win in a vilification trial for saying that Drag Queens are bad role models for children, they have lodged and appeal and it's possible he might be faced with yet more years of legal costs and fights. Join Lyle's email list at www.lyleshelton.com.au to be kept up to date as this story develops.

Follow Lyle Shelton here;

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