Exploring The ONE Portal and Rewriting Core Consciousness | Interview with Janine Regan-Sinclair

1 year ago


Janine Regan-Sinclair is known as the Consciousness Architect, she is the facilitator of the ONE portal, a profound healing that incorporates unity with the core of creation.

She holds the key codes to rewrite not only humanities core DNA & field programs, but that of the Earth Template. She is an author and has published 4 books with more to follow.

W: https://janineregansinclair.com

Janine is a Therapist, Healer, Author and Teacher, with a wealth of experience, wisdom and pure love to share.

Janine has an online academy ($99 a year) in which provides 2 live streams a month with the ONE portal healing in there.

As a therapist, her area of expertise is treating Mental Health, Addiction and Trauma. Janine also helps with weight issues as these problems are linked to trauma by filling the gap or wanting control of self.

She is also able to go into Akashic Records, previous lives, changing soul contracts and much more.

Her website offers many online video courses in Consciousness Architecture, plus audio healing meditations, as well as remote Property Realignment services and Akashic Readings/Healing.

Janine has also created a lot of powerful free healing and DNA upgrade videos on her IG page.

IG: @janineregansinclair

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