Herbal First Aid- A “Must Have” Plant for POISON IVY!!!

1 year ago

#herbalism #foraging #jewelweed
When you are in the woods, you must learn the woods and all that plants that are around. Often times, the ones that offer relief to the not so nice plants are growing along side to the culprits!
Meet Jewelweed and come along with us as we turn it into to plant medicine!

Horsetail Video- We were so EXCITED to find this Plant while Foraging!!

❄️Order your own Freeze Dryer from Harvest Right: https://affiliates.harvestright.com/1243.html

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Next Event: Homesteaders of America- https://homesteadersofamerica.com

Hoss Tools (My link) https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=862842&u=2660326&m=65739&urllink=&afftrack=

🐝Check out our Hive Tools- Etsy Store- https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheHoneystead
✨Future Workshops www.thehoneystead.com
📚Herbal Books- https://a.co/b6CQKIm

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The Honeystead
PO Box 178
Bentonville, VA 22610

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