Domestic Extremist: A Practical Guide to Winning the Culture War (Peachy Keenan)

1 year ago

Peachy Keenan's happy warrior broadside against feminism, and all its works and empty promises.

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"My aunt, one of my father’s two sisters, died in 2020, at the age of eighty-five. She never married, because when she was young, she convinced herself that what mattered was having a career—in her case, as a virologist. She attended all the best schools: Miss Porter’s; Bryn Mawr; and Harvard Medical School, graduating in 1959. She was pretty, quirky, engaging, but most of all, she thought she was always the smartest person in the room. She believed, she knew, that by placing career over family, she was would earn a Nobel Prize. She did not get a Nobel Prize." . . .

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