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In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Dr Diane Kazer, Warrior Wednesdays to help you become your own best defender! Prepare to be INpowere’ed and INspired.

We’re going to talk about the most commonly diagnosed symptoms that Western medicine is FAILING at treating, and where they come from. Since ConVid began, I’ve been approached by more people than ever asking for help with their personal skin issues and those of their children, that had their CONventional doctors scratching their heads and prescribing $40k per month prescriptions (WTF?)

These have become a widespread epidemic that few are talking about let alone treating. Steroids, Auto Immune suppressing poisons (I mean pharmaceuticals) and more are only going to compound the (unhealed) root cause issue, and with the coming next Plandemic set of ‘new strains’ these things will only progress if they are not addressed.

I will take you behind the scenes to hear conversations I have with patients who have lived in paid, suffering symptoms of skin conditions, autoimmune disease and gut dysfunction. We will cover:

*Top 5 FAKE NEWS lies Western doctors tell you about why you’re sick (Life Changing Truths to guide you into Faith Based Medicine)

*The REAL root cause of Auto Immune Disease & Skin Issues

*Eczema, Acne, Cold Sores, Burning Skin, Ear Infections, Conjunctivitis and more!

*If you’re taking any of these which I’ll share, you’re making it worse! (And what to do instead)

*Why the P(Resident) DemonRat is saying this will be a ‘sick winter’ for the unVaxxed

If you’re overwhelmed on what all this means, where to start, the best place to get these things, how to set them up, the order of priority etc. don’t worry I’ve got you covered, we’ll dive into them.

Tune in LIVE Wednesdays at 10am PT on Dr Kazer’s Channel on CloutHub, Twitter or Rumble

I love to see you live, feel free to comment, share and ask questions!


Sending love, blessings and God’s protection over you all in this spiritual battle we are all in!

Love, Warrior Di

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