Clairvoyant location by Mr. Blindbandit #PlayboiCarti #Shorts misogi official #music

1 year ago

So many people stole my song from SoundCloud that I put up there years ago and I just now got around to discovering copies of this song scattered across YouTube. Here’s the original version slow and fast. Track one clairvoyant locations slowed version by Mr. Blindbandit track two clairvoyant locations normal version by Mr. Blindbandit
Original samples,  clairvoyant by ​⁠@misogi000 and location by ​⁠@playboicarti
Clairvoyant X location by Playboi Carti,
misogi Playboi Carti locations, , clairvoyant location, Playboi Carti,
#ClairvoyantLocation #Location #Clairvoyant #PlayboiCarti #misogi #Chill #Relax #Calm #trending  
Copyright 2022, Mr. Blindbandit 
0:00 clairvoyant location slowed by Mr. Blindbandit

3:05 clairvoyant location, normal version by Mr. Blindbandit
5:29 the end

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