Episode 1497: Sin Is 100% Real & Deadly

1 year ago

Definition of Sin:

Sin is an Offense Against God: In traditional Catholic teaching, sin is understood primarily as an offense against God's will and a violation of His commandments.

Contrary to the Moral Law: Sin is an action, word, or desire that is contrary to the moral law as revealed by God.

Distortion of the Good: It involves a distortion or corruption of what is good and right, often leading to a rupture in one's relationship with God.

Types of Sin:

Mortal Sin: This is a grave offense against God's law, committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent. Mortal sin, if not repented and forgiven, leads to spiritual death and separation from God.

Venial Sin: These are less serious offenses that do not meet the criteria for mortal sin. They weaken the soul's relationship with God but do not sever it.

Original Sin: This is the state of sin inherited by all human beings from the first disobedience of Adam and Eve. It is cleansed through baptism.

Sources of Sin:

Concupiscence: This is the inclination to sin that remains in human beings, even after baptism. It is a consequence of original sin.

Free Will: Human beings possess free will, which allows them to choose between good and evil. This freedom makes them morally responsible for their actions.

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Traditional Catholics believe in the sacrament of reconciliation (also known as confession or penance) as a means of receiving forgiveness for sins, especially mortal sins.

This sacrament involves contrition (sincere sorrow for one's sins), confession (admitting one's sins to a priest), satisfaction (performing acts of penance), and absolution (the priest's prayer of forgiveness).

Role of Grace:

Catholics believe that grace, which is the free gift of God's love and assistance, is necessary for overcoming sin and living a life of holiness.

Through the sacraments and prayer, Catholics seek to grow in grace and deepen their relationship with God.

Avoiding Near Occasions of Sin:

Traditional Catholic teaching emphasizes the importance of avoiding situations or circumstances that may lead to sin.

Final Judgment:

Catholics believe in a final judgment where individuals will be held accountable for their actions. Those who die in a state of mortal sin, unrepentant, risk eternal separation from God.

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