Episode #26: Lavender Falls Waterfall, Private Waterfall Ontario: Exploring Ontario's Waterfalls

3 years ago

Lavender Falls is a privately owned waterfall on a $10,000,000 piece of country property in rural Ontario, Canada. It is the largest privately owned waterfall in Ontario

I took a massive chance here by driving all the way there in hopes that I could speak to the owner, or someone who could grant me permission to visit the waterfall and thank Baby Jesus they said yes.

For this one, I fully expected them to say no to me given the issues they have had in the past with unruly visitors leaving junk and beer bottles behind, vandals and even a man falling to his death, drunk, from the top of the waterfall.

I had no intention of trespassing on this visit and I strongly advise against it as the wonderful couple who live here have dealt with enough problems and they always contact the OPP when they see that there is someone attempting to access the property. It's not only the owners but the area residents too will call the police when they suspect there are trespassers.

The individual who I spoke with told me where to park, gave me some instructions to avoid any tickets or issues with police and neighbours and that the rest was up to me to figure out!

What an adventure this was, see the photo gallery here and enjoy the video


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