Why should I become an American State National?

1 year ago

You were born as an American State National.
Your public servants unlawfully changed your political status by forcing your parents, under duress, to sign a birth certificate. Unbeknownst to them, they effectively stated their own incompetence and made you a ward of the State.
The State then recorded you as lost at sea and created a corporate fiction, using your given name by your parents, and bonded your life giving force value equal to your birthweight in gold.
You have since been traded on the stock market as the number one commodity on earth!
Your bond is your credit.
You are the creditor.
You are the value!
You cannot accrue debt.
You are the asset!
You do not remember who you are.
You are “We the People”.
You are not a person which is a corporate fiction.
You are a Living Man.
Shed the Slave Self and walk back into your full power.
The solution is to correct your political status which can easily be done by claiming yourself as a Living Man (this includes women, “Man” means both men and women- understand language!).
You are Important!
You Matter!
You are worthy beyond belief!
Claim your inheritance.
No one else can do it for you.
Knowledge is required.
Ask us how!
This applies to all Living Men on Earth.
Ask for international assistance as well.
There is great love here for you!

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