Preparing for a More Powerful Space Station on This Week @NASA – January 20, 2023

1 year ago

Preparing for a more powerful space station, building a more fuel-efficient aircraft, and a way to possibly predict solar flares … a few of the stories to tell you about – This Week at NASA!
Date Created:2023-01-20
Keywords: NASA , TWAN , This Week @NASA , This Week At NASA , Solar flashes , Solar flares , JAXA , Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency , Nicole Mann , Koichi Wakata , Spacewalk 84 , ISS , International Space Station , Solar arrays , Boeing , Sustainable Flight Demonstrator Aircraft , Transonic Truss-Braced Wing Single-Aisle Aircraft , Aeronautics Research , Solar Dynamics Observatory , Solar Atmosphere , Corona , Space Weather , Earth , Michoud Assembly Facility , SLS , Space Launch System , SLS Core Stage Liquid Oxygen Tank Dome , Artemis III , Liquid Hydrogen Tanks , Propellant , Orion Spacecraft
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