Incredible and informative facts about gorilla | How a Gorilla live

1 year ago


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Gorillas are the largest living primates.
There are two species of gorillas: the eastern gorilla and the western gorilla.
The eastern gorilla is further divided into two subspecies: the Grauer's gorilla and the mountain gorilla.
The western gorilla is further divided into four subspecies: the western lowland gorilla, the Cross River gorilla, the Nigeria-Cameroon gorilla, and the Angolan gorilla.
Gorillas are found in the forests of central and western Africa.
They are herbivores and their diet consists mainly of leaves, stems, fruits, and flowers.
Gorillas are social animals and live in groups called troops.
A troop can have anywhere from 2 to 30 individuals.
The silverback gorilla is the leader of the troop.
Silverbacks are adult males that have a silver patch of fur on their back.
Gorillas are intelligent animals and have been known to use tools.
They are also very gentle and peaceful creatures.
Here are some additional facts about gorillas:

The average lifespan of a gorilla is 35-40 years.
Gorillas are listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List.
The main threats to gorillas are habitat loss, poaching, and disease.
There are many conservation efforts underway to protect gorillas and their habitat.
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