1 year ago

Young Meng Li loses her mother when a volcano erupts suddenly on the Southeast Asian island of Ting-Hao. As an adult, Meng returns to the island to set up research equipment. Jack Harris has built a resort, claiming that he knows the volcano is not expected to erupt for 150 more years, and believing people like to live on the edge. Meng's father Wentao comes to the island to warn her she should leave because the volcano is about to erupt again. While she wants to stay, she and her father are soon tasked with rescuing a group of tourists observing the volcano from a platform inside the crater. Most of the tourists survive, but Meng and Wentao must save a village from the lava flow. The tourists still at the hotel end up having to leave in a hurry as flaming rocks rain down. Meng and Wentao and the rest of their group face numerous challenges getting to a control center where they can release water from a reservoir and divert the lava. Wentao then finds himself trapped on the wrong side of the lava flow and unable to escape when a helicopter arrives. Later, he joins the others on a ship, explaining that thanks to his daughter's research, he was able to hide in a hole

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