Was A Woman Forced to Become a Freemason?

1 year ago

In 1735, Lodge #44 at Doneraile, Ireland usually met at Lord Doneraile's home who was Master of his Lodge.

His sister also lived with him, Elizabeth St. Leger.

As the meeting was about to start, Elizabeth hid in a storage room adjoining the lodge room.

She removed a brick that she had loosened from the wall, and watched the conferring of the Fellow Craft degree.

When the meeting was about to close, Elizabeth realized what she had done, and in her nervous attempt to leave knocked over some storage boxes.

The Tiler hearing the ruckus sounded the alarm.

Lord Doneraile appeared just in time to save her life.

After questioning her the members re-assembled and deliberated on what to do.

After two hours of heated debate, she was given two option, either she submit to receiving the first two degrees in Masonry or she would be killed.

Miss St. Leger being able to hear some of the debate gladly accepted.

Elizabeth, was so taken by the lessons of charity and Fraternal love shown to her, she spent her life and considerable wealth helping the poor in general and the Masonic poor in particular.


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