Jeff Sutch's WTC 9/11 Footage (Enhanced Video/Audio & Doubled FPS)

1 year ago

00:09 - Video starts before the 2nd plane hit at 9:02:59am.
A broadcast audio can be heard in the background.

02:30 to 06:22 - Several people can be seen falling along the east face of WTC 1 (North Tower).

07:01 - Engine roar can be heard first before a loud explosion sound occurs. Smoke shoots out from several WTC-1 windows at east face. Flames from the fireball are observable as a reflection on eastern WTC 7 windows. Debris from the plane impact can be heard crashing down on to the streets.

07:40 - First look on the now damaged WTC 2 (South Tower) at its north face.

07:54 - An unconscious (or dead) person is lying on street. Very likely got hit by falling debris.

09:41 - Video blanks out. The broadcast audio is still audible in the background.

09:58 - Video comes back on, showing fleeing people on Broadway escaping the dust clouds after WTC 2 collapse at 9:58:59am.
This last segment includes some fast-forwards and rewinds.

Videographer: Jeff Sutch
Views on WTC from: Northeast & North
Camera Locations: Broadway, Church Street, West Broadway and Barclay Street.

Video source:

NIST FOIA #09-42, Release 25,
DVD Video: 42A0119 - G25D30 ("CBS-Net NIST Dub #2" tape),
TRC: 06mn30s290ms - 18mn23s135ms

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