Legend of Zelda (NES) OverWorld Dungeon 3 Complete Walkthrough Guide: The Manji & Manhandla

1 year ago

Watch BrightGaming complete the 3rd Dungeon in the Overworld of the original Legend of Zelda on NES Nintendo. This dungeon is easily cleared with the Blue Sword, Boomerang, and Bombs. A Big Blue Manhandla awaits you at the end, guarding the third Triforce piece.

Enter the dungeon and go left and up, collecting keys in both rooms. Go up and left two rooms then kill all the red guards to open the door below. Dodge all the monster to enter the stairs to collect the Raft. Exit, return up, then go right two rooms. Bomb the right wall and go right 2 screens. Clear all the enemies and equip your Bombs to fight the Manhandla in the room above. Kill him to collect the third Triforce piece

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