Legend of Zelda (NES) OverWorld Dungeon 6 Complete Walkthrough Guide: The Dragon & Gohma

1 year ago

Watch BrightGaming complete the 6th Dungeon in the Overworld of the original Legend of Zelda on NES Nintendo. Named "The Demon", this dungeon features the annoying wizrobs and the Gohma boss battle. Arrow and the bow are necessary items to finish this dungeons.

Enter the dungeons from the graveyard as go right to get a key, return to the previous room and proceed leftward. Go up until you reach a room full of blocks and wizrobs, bomb the right wall. Go right and up to collected the Wand and then return down 2 screen and clear the room. Go right and access the stairs after clearing the room and pushing the center block. After exiting the stairs go down, left and up to the final boss. Equip the Bow before entering the room to easily get the shot in the eye as you enter. Celebrate as you collect the 6th Triforce piece.

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