Xbox Component Adapter Comparison 3 (read description)

1 year ago

Another short follow-up to the previous component comparison videos. This one compares the Xbox2Wii adapter to the XBHDA adapter from Retro-teck:
Original video here:
Second video here:
This comparison is to take a look at the Xbox2Wii adapter and compare it to the XBHDA. XBDHA was selected for the comparison as it outdoes the original Xbox HD Pack and is equal to XEDUSA's Component out. Included are some direct side-by-side comparison footage from Crazy Taxy 3 and Dead or Alive 3. I also included some extended test footage of each from Dead or Alive 3 at the end. Which adapter's audio that is playing is indicated with the speaker symbol.

Few notes:
Brightness Test:
All four options pass the brightness test. All four also have the same peak blackness level. However, both the XBHDA, XEDUSA's component out. and Xbox2Wii, each have a better contrast ratio and a higher peak brightness & peak white than the Official HD Pack. The XBHDA & XEDUSA component out appear to be on par with one another in this regard. The Xbox2Wii's peak white is very slightly darker than the other two. But the difference is not directly noticable.

Analog Audio Out:
None of them have any buzz or hum issues on their analog audio. Any possible noise on the audio would only be heard on high end headphones and loud volume when no other sound is playing (such as a loading screen).

Cables used:
The first three were all tested with HD Retrovision's Male-To-Male Component cable.
The Xbox2Wii adapter used HD Retrovision's Wii Component Cable.
All other testing conditions were kept the same for each test.

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