Legend of Zelda (NES) OverWorld All Dungeon Bosses Compilation: 9 Battles with Ganon Walkthrough

1 year ago

Watch BrightGaming complete a Legend of Zelda (NES) OverWorld All Dungeon Bosses Compilation with 9 Bosses, including Ganon.

Boss Battle Guides
Dungeon #1: Kill Aquamentus at a distance using the flying sword at full health. Otherwise attack from above while dodging the fireballs.

Dungeon #2: Dodongos dislike smoke. Feed bombs to the Dodongo by placing them in front of his path. He will feed himself to death.

Dungeon #3: Manhandla is easily killed with a bomb to the middle, or hack and slash until you kill him.

Dungeon #4: Gleeok is vulnerable from the sides at it shoots fireballs at you. Dodge them while using the Blue Sword to decapitate it.

Dungeon #5: Digdogger dislikes sound. Use the Recorder to break it apart, then kill the smaller pieces with the sword.

Dungeon #6: Gohma is vulnerable to arrows only. Shoot him in the eye when he opens it.

Dungeons #7: Aquamentus is easier the second time with the Master Sword and arrows. Two arrows can kill him now.

Dungeon #8: Gleeok with more heads. Kill all the heads with the Master Sword.

Dungeon #9: Ganon randomly jumps across the room while shooting fireballs. Swing your sword towards the middle of the screen to hit him eventually. Once he turns Red, shoot him with the Blue Arrows. Save Princess Zelda in the next room and enjoy the happy song!

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