Aquarius - The tale of two Aquarius. High road, low road, anything is possible. But Karma is real

1 year ago

Donations are always appreciated but never expected. If you have found value in what we do and you have found abundance in our guidance and you wish to share, we wouldn't be mad at you

Disclaimer- These readings are for entertainment purposes only...blah blahblah...all that legal crap but we know wassup.
We are not doctors. If you have a health problem and need medical attention, do not ignore that blessing of medical attention. We use herbs for calming, soothing, and all that Jazz...
We are not here to point fingers, we just read energy. I like to call it either/or.
If you like what we do and it speaks to the truth of the Divine in you and you would like a reading, please contact our facebook pages at Authentically Alice or Dusk to Dawn Tarot Readings and More or see our bath and body and candle and other products at our Facebook pages.

Hello, and welcome.
We are Alice Burbaugh and Dawn King and thank you for joining us. :)
I don't know how to explain it, it just usually works :)
Dawn and I will be here live at 9 pm on Saturday night for lives.
These are free readings and if anyone comes to you asking you for money, just know it is not us. We never contact anyone and we don't sell readings from this site ever.
Several people have asked us about donations and at first I was totally against it, but, I remember how I felt to not be able to give gratitude for some reason if there was something gained. I did break down an add a donation button on the website but just so you know, we make bath and body stuff and candles to make money, we don't usually sell readings but we do book functions.
If you find value in our interaction, that to me is the best payment when you go and learn to live your best life and if we can help you gain a divine perspective that aids in your journey and want to give a little back, the link is below to the website.

Please try not to interrupt an individual we are connecting with because it makes the information flow easier and more quickly uninterrupted. Please request that you wish to speak to us and I will put your name on a list and will get to you until we say new sign ups are ended.

Thank you so much for allowing us to connect with you all :)

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