Leihanna Fires Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Leihanna Fires Energy Vlog title is from the SG Anon video on the DEW fires. On how the citizens were trapped by rogue police blocking the nd of front street. Today is September 12, 2023, thus we have 28 Mindful Wisdom at ten we have the wheel of Fortune bringing us Karmic change.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site showed us an amplitude power of 50 at 8:15 AM UTC Temperance is the advice to the Hierophant for his spiritual message. The big spike of amplitude power of 60 at 9:35 AM UTC , thus the Star giving us hope and clarity to the lovers. The quality power was 11.60 thus #8 the Strength card telling us to tame our inner beast; be strong and Brave. The frequency average of 7.74 Hertz, thus #18 the Moon card with illusion and intuition , she is the Queen of tides. We went through the transits of the Leo moon trines
Chiron in Aries; it then squares Uranus in Taurus. the Leo moon then T squares first Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn. The Moon ends the day by going into Virgo. Taking it all in we have the
Wheel of Fortune bring big change to the Lovers who need to have strength and bravery as the Moon change from Leo to Virgo.

Space weather News site showed us another class M CME coming off the backside of the incoming limb of the Sun. the other big news is a level 6 on the KP index of geomagnetic activity going into minor geomagnetic storm.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather news site:
SG Anon Rumble video on leihanna fire where they blocked people into the fires as a sacrifice a land grab and a strike on the heart Chakra of the Earth:

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