The Fringe Minority Report #224 National Citizens Inquiry Vancouver

1 year ago

The National Citizens Inquiry testimony of Lisa Bernard, a nurse from Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
When the vacinne mandates came into effect, Lisa was hesitant to get the covid vaccine. What she saw did not match up with what the media was reporting. It was a ghost town at her hospital. In her testimony, she describes the challenges she faced because she refused the second dose and talked about the life altering decisions she made.
Despite being a registered nurse for 31 years with an exemplary record, she was still fired after refusing to take the second shot. One year of being a frontline hero, but now she was just tossed away. She was finding it morally hard to maintain her nursing practice, and this took a toll on her mentally.
Her doctor diagnosed her with PTSD and put her on medical leave. However, she was still receiving calls to get the second shot, which upset her even more. She had to give up the career she loved so much.
Her family sold their home, moved north to a farm, and are growing organic homeopathic plants. She is much happier now because she is no longer putting her health at risk. Lisa is slowly recovering from her vaccine injuries.

The covid restrictions and mandates hurt many Canadians. Please listen to their stories.

All original material was collected from the National Citizens Inquiry site.

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