War Day 565: What are the Risks of Putin-Kim Meeting?

1 year ago

We are continuing to write a war diary with Alexey Arestovych, Yuri Romanenko and Nikolai Feldman of ALPHA MEDIA.

➤ 00:00 Putin and Kim Jong-un will be able to meet in Russia on September 13. Most likely, North Korea will supply military equipment to the Russian Federation, but this will not fundamentally change the course of war;

➤ 04:04 North Korean shells may support another year of war. Chinese shells are already popping at the front. There is no talk yet about the supply of artillery and more high-tech articles;

➤ 06:16 Proxy war: how much can North Korea afford to disarm given their situation with South Korea?

➤ 07:32 Positive data from a European opinion poll for Ukraine: EU citizens are not tired of war;

➤ 09:11 Seized Russian assets: The EU is adopting a legislation that will allow income from assets to be taxed. There is a decline in Russian military might and West can increase its participation in war effort through taxes received from arrested Russian assets;

➤ 10:10 A million shells for Ukrainian artillery - a special EU program adopted in record time;

➤ 10:45 Sweden announced the joint production of thousands of APCs for Ukraine;

➤ 11:30 Situation at the front. According to the Main Intelligence Directorate, the 420,000 Russian personnel involved in war in Ukraine are not able to solve given tasks. Striking successes of the Ukrainian Defense Forces in Marinka and near Avdeevka. Russian command unsuccessfully trying to stop the Ukrainian counter-offensive;

➤ 18:25 NATO stopped saving on its combat training: in spring of 2024, NATO plans to conduct the largest exercises since the Cold War in Germany, Poland and the Baltic countries, aimed at repelling an alleged Russian attack;

➤ 20:46 Russian drama: Prime Minister Orban announced the transfer of Hungarian nuclear power plant from Russian nuclear fuel to French plutonium supplies. What will follow?

➤ 23:55 Imitation of the vigorous activity by Minister of Energy of Ukraine on the eve of his resignation: Ukraine and Germany signed a declaration of intent to build a wind power plant around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;

➤ 26:00 Ukrainians’ beliefs: President Zelensky is responsible for corruption in Ukraine. Working with convictions and challenging the president: What systemic, radical actions can be taken?

➤ 28:46 Global political game. An alternative to “Silk Road” and strengthening overland trade: a strategic route from India to Europe, bypassing Turkey, without China is suggested by the US;

➤ 32:32 Prospects for Ukraine after the war and addressing security issues: it will be important to create Yugorossia;

➤ 34:24 The beginning of the de-occupation of Crimea: a special operation by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry to recapture the Boyko oil platforms occupied by Russia in 2015;

➤ 37:17 Information about a political aspect of an attack by a Russian man on Ukrainian children in Germany was not toned down. An attempt to reduce the political overtones of the incident by turning it into a domestic conflict. We will demand increased attention to the conflict.


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Olexiy Arestovych (Kiev): Advisor to the Office of Ukraine President
: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksiy_Arestovych
Official channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjWy2g76QZf7QLEwx4cB46g

Yuriy Romanenko - (@YuriyRomanenko_Ukraine) channel "Alpha&Omega"

Nikolay Feldman - Ukranian journalist, social researcher, blogger.


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