9/15/23 What’s Your Definition of Evil? "American Idol(atry)" part 5 S3E6p5

1 year ago

“What’s Your Definition of Evil?”
In the 21st century, and especially over the past six years or so, we have been bombarded with every type and flavor of evil under the sun. We’re told that every type of justice on earth is sorely lacking, except actual justice, of which there is apparently too much, necessitating the release of convicted criminals. On this week’s A.I. Update, Something’s Happening Here will look at two totally different types of problems that Artificial Intelligence is bringing to us, and see how the Bible’s understanding of evil helps us navigate the confusing frontier of A.I. hazards.

"American Idol(atry)" Part 5: 9/15/23
This week on our sixth episode of Season Three, we make everybody mad by exploring the spiritual phenomenon of turning Donald Trump into an idol.

Season 3 Episode 6
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#somethingshappeninghere, #DonaldTrump, #Trump, #idol, #idols, #idolatry, #americanidol, #evil, #ai, #artificialintelligence, #CSAM, #justice, #aijustice, #Bible, #sin, #God, #JesusChrist

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