BG3: Karlach is a Bleeping Disney Princess 003

1 year ago

Links for our animals on the loose news stories:
* Otter 841:
* Bear Thief:
* Emu on the Loose:

The goblin fight is easy if you can actually get the micro done right. Astarion's training in Sleight of Hand will continue to be useful, even as a Warlock/Druid. Once we're done there, it's back to the Grove for more exploration. They're not even trying to hide Astarion's vampirism, are they? We end up on a detour to save an old lady, which turns into realizing maybe we shouldn't be here quite yet. I like the monster hunter further doing a good job at not even trying to hide what Astarion is. The unexpected whimsy from Shadowheart in approving us baaing back at the redcaps was a nice touch.

The redcap fight is a giant mess, but we end up redoing it off stream by coming in the back and starting the fight on the perch in the tea house, which allows us a round of shooting. Off stream I did several attempts at the hag area, learning how to better micro manage stealth movement in turn based mode, etc. The controls are finnicky and, in general, annoying to do single player. Overall, just another example where I think BG3 is still a great game, but anyone giving it a 10/10 is overlooking a lot of errors and sloppy design.

00:00:00 Animal Stories!
00:03:30 Swapping Party, Meeting Goblins... VIOLENTLY
00:14:25 Trying That Again With Better Micro
00:23:40 Exploring Guardian Statue Area
00:36:00 Kids and Tieflings and Tiefling Kids
00:53:30 Totally Not Suspicious Dead Boar and a Goblin Raided Town
00:59:43 Distracted By Old Lady Auntie Ethel
01:03:40 Exploring Ethel's Illusion... And Saying Baa
01:27:55 Astarion Not Acting Suspicious
01:37:37 Surprise Murder Frog
01:43:07 Tea Party

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